‘GLUE - Twenty years of…’ a group show hosted by the long time project space GLUE and its founder Dag Przybilla.
GLUE - Twenty years of…
Opening: Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 7pm
Hours: May 5th-8th, 2-5pm
Exhibition series "Glue" celebrates its birthday in Berlin
What energy there is in the network: With his exhibition series "GLUE" over the last 20 years, the Berlin painter DAG has shown over 400 artists in over 150 group shows at different locations.
Since 2020, "GLUE" has found a permanent location in the former beer barrel catacombs of the old Königstadt brewery - and a congenial co-organizer in the form of restorer Claartje van Haaften. Now the birthday is being celebrated, with "many, many artists", as the advance announcement states.
Marie Aly, Nándor Angstenberger, Grape Battleship, Norbert Bayer, Marie Irmgard Birkedal, Joachim Blank, Ronald de Bloeme, Antje Blumenstein, Isabelle Borges, Bram Braam, Katja Brinkmann, Clara Brörmann, Jessica Buhlmann, Marta Colombo, Ben Cottrell, Jeroen Cremers, Gabriele Diversi, Tiny Domingos, Kevin Driscoll, Jürgen Eisenacher, Wolfgang Flad, Moritz Frei, Gotscha Gosalischvili, Jürgen Grewe, Harriet Groß, Ab van Hanegem, Matthias Heidenreich, Christian Henkel, Gregor Hildebrandt, Birgit Hölmer, Kirsten Hutsch, Hyojun Hyun, Elisabeth Jahrmärker, Franz Jyrch, Marcus Kaiser, Isabel Kerkermeier, Claudia Kleiner, Alexander Klenz, Peter K. Koch, Karsten Konrad, Erika Krause, Dirk Krecker, Stefan Lenke, Katharina Lüdicke, Frank Maibier, Frank Maier, Sofie Marguillier, Randolf Müller, Ulrike Mundt, Anne Mundo, Frank Nitsche, Jürgen Ostarhild, Jirka Pfahl, Jan van der Ploeg, Hannu Prinz, Sophia Schama, Maik Schierloh, Jutta Schreiner, Robert Seidel, Heidi Sill, Carlos Silva, SPHEO, Meik Stamer, Björn Streeck, Michael Tewes, Klaus-Martin Treder, Anke Völk, Riette Wanders, Markus Willeke, Jens Wolf, Yu Linhan, Michaela Zimmer