‘What they carry’


Kevin Driscoll will be hanging a number of artworks in the front room, showing a sample of his newest series ‘What they carry’. His work has evolved into an exploration of memory, familiarity, and association through various material studies.

Come have a beer, drink some wine and take a look at Kevin Driscoll’s new work.

What they carry

Opening: Sunday, September 27, 2023 at 4pm


  • Kevin Driscoll

In this exhibition, sculptural works made from common construction materials hang as testaments to the artist’s own past, experience, and childhood memories. Together, the works acknowledge the idea of emotional history embedded within materials and the unique associations they present for each viewer.

Ultimately, ‘What they carry’, reinforces the idea that the pursuit of meaning is a deeply human endeavor, one that transcends art and resonates with audiences where retrospection and contemplation become integral elements of the artistic experience.


Midnight Chem


‘Words unsaid’